Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Back, but....

I'm back, but slowly circling the blog, waiting for inspiration.

There seems to be a fair bit of blogging abandonment by conservative Aussies lately, but my own idiosyncratic corner of opinion (conservative yet taking CO2 seriously, an abiding distrust of horses and cats but a fondness for rats, making sure that the LHC really isn't going to blow up Switzerland) is so certain never to be replicated anywhere else, I feel an obligation to protect this endangered cyber-thing.

1 comment:

TimT said...

Please stay. It's actually rather refreshing to have a conservative global warming proponent (well, there's you and Harry Clarke, I guess), since at the very least you don't automatically use global warming as an argument to endorse big government control of industry, energy, etc - ie, socialism by another name.

I suspect that the current dearth of conservatives on line might be a periodic thing. There were a large number of conservative bloggers during the early Howard years, and the lefty bloggers massed forces during the later Howard years. Presumably they were forced into it through dissatisfaction with Federal politics.

Anyway, as dissatisfaction with Rudd mounts (and it will - he's such an unsatisfying character) we'll probably see a rise in conservative bloggers again.