Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's gold, gold, gold for Australia

Mungo MacCallum: Four decades in the fourth estate | The Jakarta Post

Mungo was in Bali recently, sharing this with out Indonesian neighbours:
I’ve known, personally, 12 Australian prime ministers and I can only say that three of them were chaste. The rest were adulterers of Olympic standards.
Of course, I assume John Howard was amongst the chaste, although there were scurrilous rumours put around about him at one time. Who would the other two be (especially if he is not counting Rudd as "personally known")?


TimT said...

That stretches back before Menzies. A long time.

We know about Keating and Hawke's little dalliances. Perhaps having private dalliances is a left-wing thing, and has migrated to the Greens - that is, if these survey results are to be believed.

On that theory the chaste ones would be Howard, Fraser, and Menzies. Not sure if that fits the facts, though.

Steve said...

Fraser and his post prime ministerial loss of pants would not indicate a high degree of fidelity.

Steve said...

As I think I have said before here, those on the Left seem to go for pure volume in terms of how they commit adultery, perhaps because their followers are more likely to be idealistic acolytes who are attracted to power and been brought up without any strong religious scruples about sex.

Those on the Right tend to go for fewer lovers but a greater sense of transgression in what they do with them (more prostitution, bondage, secret gay liaisons, etc).

And then there is Kevin Rudd, who I would dearly love to be caught in a real sex scandal of any variety, although it would probably only increase his popularity.