Monday, April 08, 2013

Personal hygiene from far away

I've just noticed that the new deodorant I bought on the weekend (novel because it contains silver ions, which readers will recall work for Japanese space underwear, and therefore hopefully will also work under my armpits) is made in Thailand.   (Mind you, it still contains aluminium, so perhaps the amount of silver ions is inconsequential.  How would you know?)

The toothpaste I am about to start using is from Germany.   So are my preferred toothbrushes.  (Guess which supermarket chain sell them.)   I have noticed razors that come from Greece and France.  I think I tried Korean ones from Aldi once, and they were terrible.   

A lot of soaps and detergents seem to come from New Zealand now.

I am worried that with such globalisation, come the collapse of civilisation, personal hygiene will be one of the first crises.  

Anyhow, the successful meal of the weekend was a beef and beer casserole, based on this recipe.  Next time I would add perhaps half of the sugar, and twice as much Worcestershire sauce.   (I also added a diced carrot and stick of celery too.)  The dumplings came out nice.  I had been wanting to try cooking with beer in a casserole instead of wine for some time.  Can scratch that off the list now.


John said...

Update your links. Neuroskeptic has moved to ...

Steve said...

Done. Clicking on that one further link from the old site must have really been annoying you!

John said...

Nah Steve, I regularly visit Neuroskeptic myself and just thought I would let you know about the update. BTW, just heard that M. Thatcher has died. Trust you are keeping the Cats busy!