Friday, June 21, 2013


I've just discovered, while googling my name for a work related purpose, that a young man from England has a twitter account in my name.  His tweets indicate he may well run the most boring twitter account in the universe, as it comprises mainly of short complaints:  "it's so cold today, hate this weather"  "when's my next pay rise?"  "I wish I was on holiday again".  To break up the monotony, there is the occasional "great time last night".  But it's nearly completely devoid of information. 

Come on, lad:   a namesake of me has to be more interesting.  And stop smoking.  (He thanked his Mum for a gift of fags.  D'oh.)

1 comment:

TimT said...

He sounds like every bit the stereotypical Englishman! Apart from the 'great time last night', which is quite unaccountable.

PS Am pleased that the entertaining 'Dullest Blog in the World' is still going strong, after more than a decade!