Monday, July 01, 2013

A message across the aether (which will be understood by few - the rest can just ignore it)

Gee, soon Catallaxy open threads will be down to a face moisturising Perth man sharing gin cocktail recipes with a bunch of middle aged women.

That and a handful of other men with anger management issues, a chronic plagiarist whose copied works still appears at the blog, and young male student who likes to defame  female Australian journalists.  (If Latika Burke cares to email me, I'll provide the link.)

Updates:  I have a theory that Sinclair Davidson's continual defence of  Andrew Leigh - which is otherwise incomprehensible, given that every other economist who shares similar positions to Leigh is considered wrong at the blog - must have a science fiction element to it.  Maybe he once travelled back in time and fathered Andrew is my best guess so far.



TimT said...

I'll have to get myself a chronic anger management issue if I want to participate, I guess. Let me see: grrrrrrrrr! How's that? Convincing?

Steve said...

Tim, don't you think it hilarious when someone at that place (as Rafe did over the weekend) starts praising the value of civility?

You've a got a long way to go in complete OTT aggression and swearing before you could become a regular there, even if you are inclined to agree with most of the Labor condemnation there.

John said...

So the Cats haven't changed eh Steve? Why doesn't that surprise me? Wanna help Labor win, just tell everyone Catallaxyfiles is a coalition inspired blog.