Saturday, March 08, 2014

Dubious tax claims

I did note during the week, via Jason Soon's twitter feed, Adam Creighton's claim that the "rich" are obviously paying enough tax because it is only the top 25% of households that pay "net" tax.

I thought this smelt like more right wing, small government economist spinalysis* which is all about dissuading politicians from ever talking about raising high end tax rates ever again; in fact, its motivation is to suggest the rich should be taxed less.  (See IPA, CIS, right wing American economists.  Adam Creighton used to do CIS articles.)

John Quiggin has a short, sharp response. 

*   (I thought analysis which is really all about ideological spin deserved its own word)


John said...

I read the Quiggan piece. The blatant propaganda he demolishes is remarkable in its audacity. That it was even published speaks volume about the level of debate in this country,.

Steve said...

It was in The Australian, remember.

Anonymous said...

Fallacy of composition?