Friday, March 14, 2014

The old "I'm just being reasonable" line

I see Sinclair Davidson is again running with the old "I'm just being reasonable" line in which he seeks to downplay his active promotion since at least 2007 of public disbelief in the seriousness of climate change.

Here are some of his cute lines today:
To the extent that we all agree that CO2 emissions are a problem, and we want to do something about those emissions, then theory tells us that the least-cost solution would be to impose a tax on CO2 emissions...
So, a person who is an high ranking member of the IPA, and who runs a blog with contributors who are all openly dismissive and hostile towards climate change as a serious issue is suggesting that he agrees that "CO2 emissions are a problem"?   Or is there some subtle interpretation I am missing out on here?

Well, the next paragraph notes that some people don't agree that there is a CO2 problem at all - (yeah, like every single contributor to his blog.)

Would Sinclair like to explain whether he is within the some people, or would he prefer to keep it somewhat  vague so he can try to distance himself from his fetid IPA colleagues when, as is widely expected by the scientists he routinely seeks to discredit, the next change in the Pacific sees the temperature increase its rate of climb? 

I think I have known the answer to that one for quite a while now.


nottrampis said...


sinclair either doesn't know about down the up escalator or he is being highly misleading.

John said...

Davidson now realises that climate change is real and must be addressed. He is trying to have a bet both ways. It will be interesting to see how the Cat crowd respond to his change of attitude.

Anonymous said...

The Cat racks up your annual page view tally every day. Possible reasons for that include that it represents the mainstream and not the fruitcake fringe whose talking points you search out every day with drool dripping from your quivering chin.

Steve said...

Sounds like Catallaxy Tom, no?

Anonymous said...

What makes you think Davidson is talking about himself? After all we could mean people in general.