Monday, June 02, 2014

High intensity rain and English floods expected to increase

BBC News - Climate change to boost summer flash floods, says study

And once again, I see, Andrew Bolt demonstrates that he cannot get his brain around the concept that you can have a climate change which means (for some parts of the world) generally drier summers, interspersed with more intense rain and therefore sudden floods.  

The BBC article notes that this is indeed the expectation for at least part of England:
Both models found that summers in the future would be drier overall.
However, when it came to intense downpours, defined as more than 28mm per hour, the higher resolution model saw a significant increase.

1 comment:

nottrampis said...

I do find it amazing, actually I do not, that so many denialists do not understand this pertinent fact.

They seem to think all global warming means is permanently higher temperatures and no rain!!

It is highly ironic that many of their criticisms simply say what exactly what global warming will do!
If only they could read