Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lenore rips into Tony on climate change

Tony Abbott is no action man on climate change | World news |

This summary last week by Lenore Taylor explaining how Abbott is not serious about substantial action on climate change was very good.

And since then, we have a story in Fairfax today that Greg Hunt got rolled, in a big way, on spending on solar.

I don't know how Hunt lives with himself, really.  Supposedly devoted to emissions trading schemes, he was forced to reject them just so that Abbott could differentiate himself from Labor, and now can't even get good funding for solar up.


not trampis said...

Greg hunt was totally walked away from his thesis.
such a shame the ETS proved what would occur

not trampis said...

I have written about this topic today and gave you some publicity even though you are an uncultured boor!

Anonymous said...

"Greg hunt was (sic) totally walked away from his thesis

Has you written about, Homer? Has you?