Friday, October 31, 2014

Philippa condemns scary dress ups

I see that Philippa Martyr, the Latin mass loving, contraception condemning, uber Catholic writer for Quadrant (the "conservative" magazine that is now unsuited for service even in an ablution block) has low regard for the increasingly locally popular day:
I’m going to Mass tonight, so I look forward to the church being attacked with eggs.
Not that Halloween is anti-Christian or nuffink. I mean just because it’s now a Pagan and Wiccan festival, and just because it’s an opportunity for people to celebrate everything that is connected with darkness and evil in human legend and myth (and occasionally reality), shouldn’t upset anyone.
The only 40 something year old Catholic man alive today who still thinks it's 1954 joins in:
It has always surprised me that the supposedly churched and conservative Americans ‘celebrate’ evil once a year. It’s no good for children, any of it. And let’s be honest – it’s not about Da Children anyway. It’s for creepy adults who like dressing up.
It's a very precious little group of Catholics that they evidently believe have the right way of thinking about this.

I'm starting to think the Catholic schism is too slow coming... 


nottrampis said...

It seems to me Halloween has similarities with Santa Claus.

all Satanists would love it!

TimT said...

Would I have to join the church for you to vote for me as Antipope, Steve?

Steve said...

Can you write a poem for me, Tim, entitled "The Antidote to the Antipope"?

TimT said...

I could.... though I wonder what slant you'd want me to take on it? I have written Papal poetry before, when the World Youth Day brought that eminent personage here....

Steve said...

That was very good - it's just crying out to be set to music.

Your mention of Antipopes has motivated a post to appear shortly.

TimT said...

I originally saw it as a music video. The Pope walking about doing the rap, flanked by bishops wearing all sorts of bling, doing the chorus.