Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bannon as wannabe fascist

I haven't watched the Bannon 60 Minutes interview, but I reckon Slate's William Saletan has got his measure:
Bannon fancies himself a teacher of history, policy, and strategy. But what he really teaches, by example, is the psychology of the fascist intellectual.

The term “fascism” is thrown around too casually by the left, as “socialism” is by the right. But fascism has a genuine meaning based on past cases, and you can see its themes in Bannon’s interview. Fascism’s core idea is allegiance to a leader in the name of national greatness. What distinguishes fascism from republicanism is how he responds to conflicts between the leader and countervailing principles or institutions. A republican welcomes such conflicts as ways to challenge and check the power of the executive. A fascist, perceiving these conflicts as obstacles to national unity, seeks to obliterate them and to consolidate power.

Bannon takes the latter approach.
Also at Slate, I reckon Jamelle Bouie is also right:
Steve Bannon’s Intellectual Reputation Is a Charade

His erudite-sounding arguments ignore facts and revise history to coincide with his nationalist worldview.


not trampis said...

would a person with an intellect be part of Breitbart for petes sake

TimT said...

Does it matter? The vast majority of academics/intellectuals, in the humanities anyway, lean pretty far to the left. And granted, Bannon *did* have a lot of influence *once* - when he was actually work with Trump. But now? He's gone from a wannabee to a has been.