Thursday, September 28, 2017

Catholics and Nietzsche, again

It was a Catholic acquaintance of mine, many years ago, who first alerted me to the fact that there was to some degree a sympathetic following amongst the religious to nutty old Nietzsche.   Here's an example of same from the Catholic Herald:  Is Nietzsche the antidote to the snowflake generation?

I'll quote one part, which perhaps explain why some Catholics think his views on Christianity can be downplayed:
Despite his enthusiasm for his subject, West is not overawed by him. He includes several humorous asides, such as “Nietzsche had much in common with Karl Marx – nationality, money problems, a duelling scar, imposing facial hair, disciples who understood the master very badly indeed…”

Shot through Get Over Yourself is Nietzsche’s loathing of Christianity. My criticism of the book in this respect is that West doesn’t place this hatred sufficiently within the context of Nietzsche’s upbringing within a stifling, narrow-minded, Prussian Lutheranism. He saw what Matthew Arnold also observed: the hypocrisy of outwardly respectable Christian habits, but bereft of the person of Christ. Essentially he inveighed against the late 19th century’s corruption of Christianity.


not trampis said...

With due respect he never understood Christianity mind neither do Catholics!

Jason Soon said...

I hate the snowflake generation and am happy to make common cause with catholics against it

John said...

Now that I've looked up "snowflake generation" I doubt they could handle Camus let alone Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. These snowflake wimps are beyond my understanding. So much in the world is offensive for so many but the narcissistic proclivities of the snowflake generation lead me to believe they have been raised with too much positive affirmation and not enough criticism(narcissists are very sensitive towards criticism). The snowflake wailing correlates with the unusually high rates of anxiety and depression currently occurring. Snowflakes wouldn't survive in my world - I swear like a trooper and think political correctness has become intellectual poison.

Nietzsche? Not interested in interpretations of him but I loved his witticisms.

Stuff the snowflakes.

John said...

Afterthought: Perhaps Get Crackin and the previous series they did is a revolt against snowflakes because they, poorly, ridicule many modern trendy issues.