Friday, February 02, 2018

The conspiracy party

Hardly surprising to read this:
Inside the Trump administration, sources who've been briefed on the Nunes memo expect it will be underwhelming and not the “slam dunk” document it's been hyped up to be.
What we're hearing: There is much more skepticism inside the administration than has been previously reported about the value of releasing the memo, according to sources familiar with the administration discussions.
Be smart: Trump still wants to release the memo. But there are a number of people in the White House who are fairly underwhelmed, and there's internal anxiety about whether it's worth angering the FBI director and intelligence community by releasing this information.
All aligns with a now obvious fact:  the American (and the stupider parts of the Australian) Right has become consumed by conspiracy ideation, whipping itself into a frenzy via its bubble universe of Right wing media, and then failing to learn the lessons of simply being wrong.

The big examples:   climate change (the prime, overarching, example); Benghazi; Hillary about to die; Obama re his birth and religion; uranium deal with Russia; and now the FBI.  

It's poisoning the Right, and they don't realise it.


not trampis said...

I think the FBI has essentially said parts of the documents are 'alternative facts' or fake news.

It wil blow up in the Republicans faces.

not trampis said...

Nunes has form on fake news as well