Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Yet more ABC praise

Foreign Correspondent last night was about the lucrative vanilla bean industry in Madagascar, of all places.   Apparently, that's where 80% of the world's natural vanilla comes from, even though the plant is actually from Mexico.  (And in Mexico it is pollinated by a native bee;  in other countries such as Madagascar, it has to be hand pollinated, with very careful timing.  I had read about this before - it's an amazing story.) 

The Mexico connection made me wonder out loud - why doesn't Mexico try getting rich on vanilla instead of opium and cannabis?

Anyway, once again it made me feel like strapping Sinclair Davidson and Chris Berg to a chair and forcing them to watch, Clockwork Orange style,  40 straight hours of fascinating ABC content that is completely dissimilar to what is made on commercial TV, and only release them on the promise to shut up, leave the ABC alone, and go and do something useful with their lives.   Crapping on about blockchain does keep them off the street, though, I suppose. 

1 comment:

Mayan said...

There was a muppet on CNBC spruiking his blockchain gold tracking technology. Such a blend of ancient and modern paranoia.