Friday, February 08, 2019

Bad judgement continues

I've noted before that Sinclair Davidson has a solid history of bad (and self serving, for a libertarian) calls on Royal Commissions, and I see he is still at it:
But, to his credit, Ken Henry spoke truth to power when he appeared at the Banking Royal Commission late last year. Yes, he was arrogant – treating the Commission with the contempt that it deserved being as it was a political hit job by the Labor and National parties. 
I do perversely wish the Coalition would pay more attention to him and his eccentric priorities, as it would ensure their demise is deeper and longer.

1 comment:

not trampis said...

Poor old Sinkers. He is a superb wrongolist. I highlighted one part this week.

you have to remember Steve Sinkers never forgave Henry for advising Swan and Rudd to use fiscal policy to get us pass the GFC without a recession.
Strange how he never had a go at Glen Stevens who said exactly the same thing.

There is not a recession ( welfare for wealthy ) that sinkers has not liked