Friday, February 22, 2019

Fox News jerks

As with Bill O'Reilly, when you get to listen how they carry on in private, Fox News hosts who like to present as "Mr Reasonable" on their shows turn out to be thin skinned, sweary jerks in private. 

I have never seen much of Tucker Carlson, but his face and style has always struck me as more irritating than Bill O'Reilly, for some reason.

But basically, seems you have to be a jerk in private to get your own show there.  (Would love to hear some tapes of Hannity's behind the scenes behaviour - it would be hard to believe there are no embarrassing ones.  I wonder why they have never come out?   Perhaps people fear his power too much?)


not trampis said...

a tautology

John said...

Monkey see monkey do. Thus we explain Catallaxy files.