Monday, February 04, 2019

Good grief

Pretty much from the "only in America" category, I see a Vox headline:
Why Bible-inspired diets and fitness plans are catching on
Ezekiel bread, the Daniel fast, and Holy Yoga all take their cues from Scripture.
 People who want to get fit, lose weight, and eat more healthfully often turn to trainers and dietitians for advice. But today, they might also to turn to a Bible-inspired or faith-based wellness program. Take actor Chris Pratt. He announced last month in an Instagram story that he was on day three of the Daniel fast.
“It’s 21 days of prayer and fasting,” he explained.
The program takes its name from the Old Testament prophet Daniel. While it’s called a fast, it does not require complete abstinence from food. Instead, “some foods are eaten while others are restricted,” according to the Daniel fast website. Those who go on the fast hope to not only get their weight and diet under control but also draw closer to God.
Look, Pratt is a likeable enough screen presence, but his strange mix of apparent seriousness about religion and willingness to talk a lot of sex jokes (as well as getting divorced with a young son at home) is a bit odd, if you ask me.  And peculiarly American too.

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