Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Meanwhile, in an alternative universe, Pt 2....

dover_beach (along with CL) is a long time, conservative Catholic at Catallaxy, who argues using a massive, near impenetrable fog of words, in much the same way as Feser, who he admires.  He obsesses continually about abortion, but will not support contraception as a means of reducing it.   He also clearly thinks the ends justifies the means when it comes to torturing and "disappearing" people to counter socialism.

Conservative Catholics, with their culture war based support of Trump, have really become the paranoid, conspiracy believing, parodies of formerly respectable Conservative intellectualism, and are the pits.

1 comment:

not trampis said...

actually I quite like his blog but it is quiet a lot.

most of those wackos at Catallaxy including DB believe various conspiracy theories about Allende ab accidental poor and minority President.

The best one was the large army he had acquired to take over Chile.

Alas when Pinochet laiuned his coup they were no where to be found