Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Cult member in state of panic

Steve Kates seems to have missed the news that the Cathedral is not entirely lost:

Kates, surely Australia's leading academic member of the Cult of Trump, is (like all of the conservative and alt. Right) in a constant froth that All of the Great and Glorious Western Civilisation is About to Collapse.   I am sure if I bother looking back that he was in a huge panic that Islamic State was going to sweep in from the East and be burning down the Vatican within mere years.   (He's not even, as far as I can tell, particularly religious.  A lot of the nutty Right seems to be like that - ex practising Christians who nonetheless think the Christianity is crucial to the ongoing moral and financial health of the globe.)

I see that even one regular at Catallaxy gives Kates a "pull yourself together" slap in the face:


not trampis said...

Come on,
Katesy has always been a sandwich short of a picnic

Anonymous said...

Kates is Jewish.

Steve said...

Oh, is he? Never noticed a reference to that in his posts. Observant or not, though, I wonder? He makes a good match for nutty Cassie anyway.