Friday, April 12, 2019

Dream noted

It's annoying when the alarm wakes you from a dream you're curious to see played out.

This morning, I was with the family at a theme park sort of place - a bit Disneyland, and rather like EPCOT, now that I think of it - and we were inside listening to someone giving an illustrated talk from a podium about the monument city found on the Moon by the Apollo program, and its subsequent excavation.  There were photos, and everyone was listening as if this was something unremarkable - as if it was something that had really happened.

I said to one of my kids something like "I'm not sure, but I think somewhere here today, we've moved into an alternative timeline universe."   I then had the foresight to ask a woman nearby what year it was.  She answered "1975", and I felt vindicated in my surmise.

Then the alarm went off.

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