Friday, April 05, 2019

Some significant climate modelling

Here, at Real Climate, is some more modelling of past climate suggesting 3 degree climate sensitivity is very close to the mark.

It's hard to understand how people can think what happened to the globe in the past with higher CO2 won't happen again.


Unknown said...

From your link:

First successful model simulation of the past 3 million years of climate change

... and 3 degs sensitivity.

3 million years and 3 degs.... and this is supposed to pass the smell test.

It's obviously not obvious to a nincompoop like you why people think climate science is filled with crooks and science vandals.

Steve said...

Yeah, it's a tough one. Who to believe...climate science developed over about 50 years of pretty intense research, or someone from Catallaxy who thinks they can "smell" what's right?

Anonymous said...

You don't have to believe anyone - except the incontestable fact that anyone coming up with a 3 million year model of the climate, sensitive to 3 degrees, is a fraud and anyone believing this tripe is an idiot.

Your problem is that you believe ever single thing that comes out of the warming coven. There's not one thing that you would ever contest. I on the other hand will context both sides of this issue as I don't like being lied to.

Anonymous said...

3 million years /at 3 degrees sensitivity.


Steve said...

I don't think you've even read the article properly.

GMB said...

You idiot. The model tells you only what the Jew programming the computer wants it to tell you. Extra CO2 cools since the CO2 ends up mixing above where it would otherwise be swamped by water vapour. Yet it may warm a little bit at night those rare areas where there is no water vapour in the air. This warming effect will be negligible and cannot be catastrophic ...... particularly as to create a great deal of heating you need to warm the oceans and the air is usually not dry over the oceans. In places so frigid that the air is dry over the oceans there is not very much thermal energy in the first place for the extra CO2 to work with.

There is no such thing as "climate sensitivity" as you use the phrase here. This climate sensitivity, a theoretical response to a doubling of CO2 levels, is based on a flat earth model of climate. Literally a flat earth model where its always noon on a flat earth twice as far from the sun as our own planet.

GMB said...

"Yeah, it's a tough one. Who to believe...climate science developed over about 50 years of pretty intense research, or someone from Catallaxy who thinks they can "smell" what's right?"

Its supposed to be about evidence moron. Its not supposed to be about belief or faith in the Jew science worker.