Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Yet more "humans live in the stupidest places"

I was pretty blown away by watching World From Above on SBS on the weekend - the one about Algeria.  Some of the desert scenery was very spectacular:  reminded me a lot of some of surreal imagery of sand dunes in The English Patient which can look like a special effect, until you realise they're not.

I didn't realise how large, intricately built (and isolated, of course) some of the oasis based towns in the middle of the desert could be.   There was also this astonishing city, which I have noted before. 

But, as usual, I am always saying to myself - why the heck did anyone ever decide these were good enough places to stay put in?  Why not move out of the desert and closer to the coast?

It's on SBS on Demand, if you live in Australia.

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