Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Fantasy land, and the Labor launch

Ha!   What a bunch of cowards.  After months/years of "the Liberals must be destroyed" because the party won't go Trump enough for them, various Catallaxy commenters are falling back into line with "with reluctance, I will be voting Liberal because a Shorten Labor government will destroy the country."   Some, I admit, are holding out, but at the end of the day most will fall into line.

And they live in a fantasy land that, if only the Coalition would go wingnut Right on climate change, the whole issue will go away.  Here's lizzie, the Facebook-iest of commenters there:
If the Libs win I hope there is enough sense in the result for them to drop the RET like a hot brick and start building some coal-fired power stations. Also drop exploding batteries, including the big one called Snowy 11. Then a Royal Commission into Climate Science would be useful to get some realism into the lives of crying (and acting) children. 
Yes, sure.  After rejecting the need for Royal Commissions on useful things, they want a totally pointless one on climate change, as if the ageing contrarians, if they live long enough, will front up and repeat arguments discredited a decade or more ago and convince the Commission that everyone else has been wrong for all this time.

On another point:   I didn't see much of the Labor launch in Brisbane, but it was a triumph of - something - that they managed to get Rudd and Gillard entering together and showing that Kevin can can even bear to make eye contact and rub shoulders with her now.   Was he drugged, or is there some other explanation?

Anyway, it was pretty heartening, really, in the interests of seeing Labor win: