Wednesday, May 08, 2019

John Quiggin on the cost of carbon emissions reduction

A very clear and readable explanation by John Quiggin on the matter of modelling the cost of carbon emissions reduction.


not trampis said...

yep a very good article. As I said at his place. Fisher's 'analysis' and Garnaut's thoughts that solar PV being $30/ MWh by 2025 are incompatible.

GMB said...

If its carbon internment you want, that comes out of a cows backside. Take the cow manure. Its dark is it not? Do you think thats a special cow dye? No you have carbohydrates and cellulose are just more complex carbohydrates really. The cow strips the hydrogen off the carbohydrates and gives us high-carbon cow manure. Essentially all good food comes out of bird poo and cow manure. So if you can get that carbon imbedded in the soil thats carbon internment. So what we don't want is all this grain, corn and soy being grown on land where we can have cows eating grass and making more cow manure. We want cell-grazing like Alan Savoury says. And what we don't need is this methane crazy-talk. The proof is in the pudding. If you have twelve feet of dark soil everywhere thats carbon internment.