Thursday, May 09, 2019

The de-evolution of Mark Latham

Mark Latham's descendent into creepy old man Right wing culture war whinger was on full display in his maiden speech to the New South Wales Parliament, where some high(?)lights included:
"Like a scene from Orwell's Animal Farm, the Green-Labor-Left has become the thing it originally opposed: elitist, would-be dictators taking away from the working-class communities the things these battlers value."

He also attacked political correctness and the "confected outrage" of the "elites".

Quoting Monty Python actor John Cleese, Mr Latham argued that telling a joke about someone does not mean you hate them.

"We love the people we joke about — the Irish, the blondes, the gays, everyone — as they've helped to bring humour and joy into our lives."
Yeah, tremendous jokes and commentary such as he gave on Sky News recently:
Discussing the new "Respect Victoria: Call It Out" advertisement in which a man leers at a woman on a train – eyes running down and up her, persisting despite her visible discomfort and distress – Latham dismissed the man’s behaviour as normal.

“If you don’t have a good look at a beautiful person of the opposite sex there’s something wrong with you,” the One Nation NSW leader said on Sky News last week.

“Was he thinking … did I used to root her at uni?”
 The rest of the summary of his speech:
The One Nation MP spoke for more than 47 minutes, calling for limits on immigration, an end to identity politics, an overhaul of the state's education system and the introduction of nuclear power and greater investment in coal-fired power.
If you want to read how much he has devolved, have a look at this 2014 piece with its moderate,  thoughtful and regretful analysis of why climate change denialism had been so successful amongst large parts of the public.

Now he belongs to a climate change denying party.  (One Nation's policy position on this looks like it was written by nutter Malcolm Roberts.)  

His culture war whinging has won him many admirers at Catallaxy - fellow man-stuck-in-the-social- zeitgeist of the 1950's, CL claims this:
It’s really disappointing to me that Latham cannot be prime minister.
He is the outstanding man in Australia’s polity right now.
It all again shows that Right wing opposition to climate change action is simply based on culture war resentment and has nothing to do with a serious consideration of science or economics.

One final question:   doesn't Latham's wife find this change of persona worrying?   It must be like living with a different man from the one she married.   And don't his sons, who must at least be teenage now, find him cringeworthy and "old before his time" as well?


not trampis said...

yep let's have nuclear power. It is only the highest cost provider of electricity and would take a very long time to build.

He knows the being a right wing cultural whinger is where the money is

Jason Soon said...

most of the speech was pretty good if you ask me, a little hyperbolic but nothing I vehemently disagree with.

Steve said...

Good to see you and Alan Jones on the same page Jason [he says, rolling his eyes.]

Identity politics can be annoying, sometimes outright stupid, but pretty rarely has much effect on people who are polite and civil and careful with their facts.

To fret about it too much is a waste of energy: and to abandon concern and action on climate change because you (meaning Latham) want to whinge about TV ads encouraging men not to perv at women on public transport is an absolute disgrace.

Incidentally, I'd like to know how keen he would be to bring in religious freedom protection laws of a kind to assist Folau if it were a Muslim rugby player on social media expressing his support for the gay stoning law in Borneo.

not trampis said...

Mah Jason lovers high electricity prices that why he wants nuclear energy.

I had to laugh when Latham was raging about having DNA tests for aborigines.

This was straight out of the hanson handbook. Yet I remember talking about this stuff in the late 90s and he knew aborigines only gained welfare if they passed the means test.
He also thought ,quite rightly , that Hanson was an idiot and has no sympathy when she had to go to gaol.Times have changed

Steve said...

Yes, I have to say, I find John Quiggin's take on nuclear power just not being viable simply on economic grounds pretty convincing.

GMB said...

Its convincing on the surface of things empirically. But a closer look suggests it can be very cheap energy inherently if you run the project so as to contain costs. We don't know how to do major projects in this country.