Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Why now?

Doesn't it seem very odd that no one seems to know why exactly the US is sabre rattling Iran?  As the BBC says:
Mr Pompeo cancelled a trip to Berlin to meet with Iraqi leaders during a four-hour stop in the capital Baghdad.

The visit came days after a US aircraft carrier was deployed to the region, which officials said was in response to threats to US forces and its allies from Iran.

On Tuesday it was revealed the US was sending B-52 bombers to the region.

The US has given little information about the exact nature of the reported threat, which Iran has dismissed as nonsense.

John Bolton, the US national security adviser, said only that the US was acting "in response to a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings" on announcing the deployment of the USS Abraham Lincoln on Sunday.
Does anyone sensible trust Bolton's judgement in such matters?


not trampis said...

Bolton's judgement has NEVER been good.

How could Iran threaten the USA?

GMB said...

Yeah its just all lies. Its just all theatre to soften the American public up for the mindless slaughter of Iranians. And as noted there is no way for Iran to threaten America and all this bullshit isn't done for the benefit of the American citizen.

Its the Jew agenda.