Friday, July 05, 2019

A movie not to watch

There are many reviews floating around about Midsommar - the new horror film by Hereditary director Ari Aster.   Some are good - but some indicate not so much.  (Slate asks openly whether it's OK to laugh at the ending which is "brutal and unhinged", and promptly describe it.  I think the studio is probably really annoyed about that.)   

I thought Hereditary was just awful, and don't understand how it got any good reviews.

The trailer for Midsommar made it look way, way too obvious:  very much like The Wicker Man thematically.   The reviews are pretty much confirming the comparison.  (As it happens, I have never watched much of Wicker Man, but I do know the story and how it ends.) 

I am therefore feeling extremely confident that this is a movie I would hate. 


Not Trampis said...

you mean the wicker Man starring Edward Woodward

GMB said...

"the IPCC has always been saying that climate change means both increased droughts and floods due to a fired up water cycle."

Of course they are. Because the IPCC is a political body and not a body of scientists. The buck stops with the scoundrels who get to do the last draft of any given report. It doesn't matter how many scientists take the money if they don't get to make the last draft. So the IPCC will say that any outcome means global warming.

If there is a drought its global warming. If there are floods its global warming. If its hot its global warming. If its cold its global warming. If you see kids sitting in the trees smoking strange cigarettes and wearing tea cosies its global warming. If the waves go backwards at Cronulla its global warming. And if old Mabel runs down the road naked, crying about a long lost suitor, the IPCC will say nothing but nod wisely, because they know its global warming.

If every outcome has a cause of global warming its a non-falsifiable story which means its not scientific under some criterion. They have no test. Of course flooding and droughts are both consistent with poor farming practices, monoculture and a reduction in the available trees in agriculture. Putting in more swales, trees, ponds, dams in the landscape makes the countryside more resilient against both floods and droughts but here we have a clear chain of causality that all parties can understand and agree on. But Steve I kept asking you for a chain of causality, and you decide you want to not be under fair scrutiny, and you want to wipe every last comment to avoid that conceptual audit.

I’m trying to reform Steve to be less anti-social and lock-step "new world order." I respect the blog property rights of someone like Professor Quiggin because the Profesor means well and he’s worth listening too, even when we disagree. Plus I have a guilty conscience about mistreating our best Australian socialist economist in the past. But this fellow Steve is letting his bigotry and contempt run wild. He cannot be led in the right direction,with logic, evidence and reason, so he needs to be disciplined like a naughty child. Since his toeing the line on global oligarchical issues would lead to further enslavement and then a repeat of early twentieth century culling if these attitudes cannot somehow be resisted.