Friday, July 12, 2019

Dear Graeme

Did you have trouble following the rules at school?

I've told you what the rules here are:

*  Any inane, slanderous comment to do with Jews - which is 99% of all comments you make which reference them - will be deleted.   No ifs, no buts.   Just deleted.

*  Swearing at me (or anyone else) will also cause deletion. 

And yet you continue to break them.

Re-activate your own blog if you want to slander Jews and publicise your nutball anti-Semitism and eccentric cosmology.

I also encourage you to start a GoFundMe page devoted to raising enough money to have Elon Musk shoot you towards Mars where you can take happy snaps of the ancient glass farms and prove us all wrong.   It would give me great relief if this was you in the spacesuit:

Update:   If I provide you with a link for a profound new idea, will that make you go away while you research it for a year or two?: 

Tall Aliens May Be Humans Altered By Living for a Time on Mars


GMB said...
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GMB said...

Thats not a new idea. I shared this idea on Catallaxy a dozen years ago. See you'd have layers of rock protection on Mars. And as you went further and further to the inner sanctum you'd have all these old clapped out pumps running all the time. Electricity easy to get hold of on Mars. But sophisticated things like pumps difficult. As a result most of the kids will grow up under high air pressure and low gravity, also with enhanced oxygen levels.

One of these religious fundamentalists once raised piranhas under these conditions. And the fish grew unnaturally large so thats exactly what we would expect to happen.

GMB said...
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GMB said...
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GMB said...

"Re-activate your own blog if you want to slander Jews and publicise your nutball anti-Semitism and eccentric cosmology..."

Its important that we get public sector bludger reform in cosmology since if we don't we cannot explain the origins of life. Evolution makes no sense under the current irrational cosmology. It couldn't have happened that way.

Cambria had good instincts about this. He knew that the scientists hadn't figured this out yet. Which is exactly what I found when I looked into it. The questions James Tours brings up are fundamentally irresolvable without reform to the fake cosmology they have going now. It has to be that way by design. The oligarchy pushes for pure materialism in the science community, but at the same time they give us a cosmology that would require a pre-existing God, or many of them, to make it work.