Thursday, July 11, 2019

Gives me mixed feelings

I mean, who wouldn't want to see the IPA staff, membership, 98% of commenters at Catallaxy, and all hosts on Sky News at Night rounded up and forced into re-education schools in which they are all taught to dance, paint and give up all radical ideas (as defined by me.)  Of course, it would have to be conducted in what would look more like an aged care facility than a young person's school, but still, it's a pleasant dream:

1 comment:

GMB said...

I'd want to send people there just long enough to convince them that we need free speech, science requires evidence and logical causal connections, and that failure to meet Just War Theory most of the way is counter-productive to the war effort.

If someone is so strategically challenged that they see working class women and children as the enemy to be targeted for extermination, then sure. Make them dance around like happy monkeys until they come to the right conclusion. If they think that gravity is space bending they need to roll their butts along the ground until they figure that idea doesn't make sense. The problem is we'd have to ship off every Jew and his Momma to the re-education camps. Since they are recalcitrant in all these subjects.