Tuesday, July 02, 2019

In an unwise attempt to string out information from someone who thinks Einstein was wrong...

Graeme, my unwanted nutty commenter, made a contribution recently that people might have missed - I invited him to read a good Quanta article last week explaining a lot about how Einstein came up with his ideas, to see if he might re-consider his position (ha!) - and he responded as follows:
"In an attempt, no doubt futile, to at least get you to reconsider the matter of Einstein and his wildly experimental successful theories...."

They are not even successful a little bit. Show me the data where it was proved that gravity is space bending? Think about your butt right now. There is no space between your behind and your chair to bend. Yet you still feel the force of gravity. So the theory is refuted right there. Yet the oppressive psy-op abuses us from childhood every day. What an incredible menace this oligarchy is when they subject you to that level of brainwashing.
Graeme - ignoring for the moment the nonsensical nature of the part that starts "think about your butt right now" - you would surely know about the 1919 eclipse observations?  As this ESA site confirms, the experimental confirmation was not left there - it was refined over the following decades til we get to this point:
After half a century of similar eclipse observations of the shifting stars, critics still said that there could be a 20 per cent error in the results. They were not accurate enough to rule out newer theories of gravity that challenged Einstein's version. Radio astronomers did somewhat better, with Quasar 3C279 which passes behind the Sun on 8 October every year. ESA's Hipparcos satellite (1989-93) provided the emphatic confirmation of Einstein's prediction. Hipparcos charted the positions of stars so accurately that no eclipse was needed to see the effect of the Sun's gravity. Where previous observations of the shifts had been confined to objects seen within a degree or two of the edge of the Sun, where the effect is strongest, the European satellite sensed the bending of light-rays even from stars in the night sky, at right angles to the Sun. According to the Hipparcos scientists, Einstein's prediction is correct to within one part in a thousand.
 A normal person would say this is experimental confirmation of theory.

What does an abnormal person like you say?


Jason Soon said...

admit it steve, when he isn't focused on the oligarchy, Graeme's theories are pretty entertaining. I specially liked the one about the growing mass of planets

Jason Soon said...

Graeme - why don't you just stick to 'the oligarchy' or 'the Bilderbergs'. then you won't get stepford in trouble

John said...

Graeme should think about writing sci-fi novels, or perhaps sci-fantasy novels. Seriously, not joking, smart enough and imaginative enough, although obviously the Dunning Kruger is strong in him.

Steve said...

"Graeme should think about writing sci-fi novels, or perhaps sci-fantasy novels."

Well, anything to keep him busy and not pestering people on line, I guess - but apart from the occasional thing that he comes out with which I have trouble recognizing as anyone else's theory, I think you are giving him way too much credit for originality.

Anonymous said...

I always liked the exploding theory

Anonymous said...

Stepford, in all fairness you have linked to Mysterious Universe, which is a pretty strange site. It frequently raises posts about Men In Black and strange creatures in forests. Frankly speaking, Birdie is on a stronger base than you are on matters of science. I honestly regret having to bring this up. :-) Its embarrassing for you especially when you’re a globally recognized climate passionista.

Steve said...

JC, there is a huge difference between liking some stories and reports about unresolved mysteries, and Bird believing he knows better than Einstein (who is also to be dismissed because, you know, you can't trust Jews) based on theorising about backsides on seats.

GMB said...

Look we just have to go over it, and over it, and over it again until you slow-pokes click. There is no space between your ass and the chair. So its a force we are talking about and has nothing to do with space bending. You cannot refute that by granting big prizes to gimps affecting to measure the intricacy of orbits of dual stars a billion-trillion miles away. It ought to be clear to everyone here that this is a psy-op and non-scientific bullshitartistry. Doesn't matter what numbers they come up with nor how big they make the prize money. The thing does not follow in logic from their numbers.

If any of you can tell me how this cannot be science fraud ...... Go ahead. Enlighten me. I reverse-engineered a lot of great physics, not by having an aptitude for this sort of thing, but simply by applying logic and knowing a lot about the oligarchies rather simplistic sets of tricks. And of course by surveying various dissidents and trying to steal the best from them all.

Tell me what measurements could be made of distant star orbits, which could refute my contention that the conservation of matter is logically impossible ..... OR THERE WOULD BE NO MATTER. It cannot be done. So what I'm telling you guys is that we have all been abused by an interlocked set of psy-ops. You know I'm right because there is simply no logical way I could be wrong.

Why do they have to go to the far end of the universe to interrogate the data out of a couple of close orbiting stars? They can beat and bitch-slap the data out of these poor stars for one reason and one reason only. None of the rest of us can verify the data.

But it doesn't really matter anyway. There is no set of numbers known, or that could be dreamed up, that could prove that gravity is space bending. There is no experiment you could arrange or indeed imagine to prove such a thing. And you know its wrong anyway and you can prove its wrong right away, by just examining the data to do with your own ass squeezed by gravity against your own chair. .

GMB said...

"JC, there is a huge difference between liking some stories and reports about unresolved mysteries, and Bird believing he knows better than Einstein (who is also to be dismissed because, you know, you can't trust Jews) based on theorising about backsides on seats."

Ridiculous. Which do you give greater precedence too? Psy op data that you can in no way verify coming from the other side of the galaxy .... Or evidence that is right where your fat ass is? Less than two feet from your heart? And how in the world could mischief with the orbit of Mercury, or a bit of mischief to do with the way light bends around the sun be used to infer the Einstein cabals lies?

This doesn't follow in logic. In reality Mercury moves as it does because the photosphere is not the sun, but rather is the suns outer atmosphere. Inside the atmosphere is the suns ocean which is more oblate than the already oblate atmospheric sun. Thanks to the mysterious magic of the latent heat of the phase change of water ....... when a rocky planet grows to be a gas giant and then grows to be a star ....... as bizarre as this seems .... it never loses its oceans. Quite the contrary the oceans expand to overwhelm the land. So we have proved that Mercury's orbit is NOT to do with the bending of space (ass and chair refutation) but it now turns out that the inner oceanic sun spins much faster than its atmosphere and is the reason why Mercury's orbit didn't seem to follow Newton's archaic formulae.

As to the bending of light around the sun .... Light bends when it enters glass or water. Its no reason to doubt the veracity of your clocks or anything??????? Light is waves along aether. And aether is partially entrained by large gravitational bodies. And it has to be that way or vision would be incoherent. There are many implications to this. One will be that space travel could have time periods to it where vision is impossible. Until one gets close to the orbit of another large body or real close to a pretty large body. Is that your interpretation from what NASA shows us? I haven't seen an in-between set of photos from these guys all my life.

GMB said...

In this whole story the most magical and fascinating things I've found have been long known about and thought to be prosaic. The sheer power of the phase-change of water, if it is restricted. And the mysteriously latent thermal energy in the phase change of water. We need the kids to model aether-matter interaction to get to the bottom of these things. I dwell on the magic and the mystery of these things like theologians used to ponder on the trinity. But its wasted effort and I hit a dead end loop quickly because I lack the mental visualisation capacity to really get to the bottom of these things. The kids today have these animation programs that could crack these knotty problems. They have the dissident thinkers who have done great work. The kids today could find a way if they weren't lead astray. As we all were. But the Bilderbergs. As one expert would have it.

GMB said...
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GMB said...

If you are mentally handicapped to the extent of not accepting that you cannot verify the Einstein cabals QUALITATIVE claims with quantitative data then I can tell you that his numbers were refuted at every turn. They were refuted with experiments involving what they now call "non-locality" which is a phrase to excuse faster than light communication. They are refuted with the simple easily verifiable orbital speeds of the spiral arms of the galaxy .... which they now fill up with dark matter and dark energy rather than claim the cabal had the wrong idea about gravity. So its not possible to say the numbers prove the story either. Because the numbers are always wrong and when the are wrong the excuses keep coming. Just another Bilderberger and his Momma.

Steve said...

Graeme, I'm going to simplify things by just deleting any stupid blanket condemnation of Jews you engage in, OK? It's stupid, and even people who want to giggle at you explaining how you have "reverse engineered" a lot of physics and managed to come up with way wackier ideas than Velikovsky ever dreamt do not want to hear that part of your febrile imagination. So I am doing you a favour, really.

GMB said...
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GMB said...

"wackier ideas than Velikovsky ever dreamt "

I have much lower hanging fruit than him because he didn't have the data. So for example as far as I know I am the first person to figure out the stars don't lose their oceans. But Velikovsky figured out that Venus was a new planet even before we got the satellite data back which proved it. I had every known detail about the sun to make a few stumbling half-steps to where I got it to how it worked. Velikovsky was working with ancient texts in forgotten tongues and he still got the job done.

I know I give Jews a hard time and like to bring a lot of science pretenders down a few notches. But this Jew Velikovsky. He's the real deal. You got to take your hat off to that guy. He had none of the easy meat that I had thrown on my lap. He may have reached too far and got a few things wrong. But he's got to be one of the major brains of the twentieth century.

Anonymous said...

STFU Bird. Enough.

GMB said...

Dude. Steve never explains why he believes the faith-based things he believes. So I have to see it as racial bigotry. Why does he buy Einsteins nonsense .. He doesn't know. Why does he think Brexit is wrong, he cannot say. Why does he buy into the global warming fraud .... dog ate his homework. Why does he support a Jew-created hate-group , he doesn't want anyone to ask. So he's a Jew doing Jew things or he's a nutter. What is this blog for? Is it to toss around various ideas? Or is it an extension of Netanyahu's foreign internet policy?

GMB said...

"After half a century of similar eclipse observations of the shifting stars, critics still said that there could be a 20 per cent error in the results. They were not accurate enough to rule out newer theories of gravity that challenged Einstein's version. Radio astronomers did somewhat better, with Quasar 3C279 which passes behind the Sun on 8 October every year..."

Lets just translate this for the truly stupid. 50 years of data refute the Einstein numbers. Quasar 3C279 is held to be 5 billion light-years away. Not only is this quasar not in our galaxy its not in our galaxy cluster. So 50 years of data proves Einstein wrong, the Jews have to cherry pick the data by going to the far side of the universe to affect to find a star that will go along with their bullshit.

The Einstein fraud is proved wrong at every turn but there is one tribe of inbred troglodytes who will not take "no" for an answer. Science was not meant for all tribes it seems. But the very same object proved Einstein wrong in 1973. They measured superluminal emissions coming from this very same quasar in 1973. I have my doubts about their capacity to measure distance. I mention this only to show they don't give an Arabs good god-damn about the data.

In science the Jew always puts the rest of us on a handicap. And when they play tennis they never have to worry about the net.

GMB said...

Its almost typical isn't it? The links Steve makes to prove Einstein right prove him wrong. Why go 5 billion light years away when the stuff closer to home has proven Einstein wrong? The reason is that no-one can verify the position of something 5 billion light years away. They purposely chose an object that no-one could verify. Falsified data. Its a Jew thing.