Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ups and downs (global warming is not as simple as some want it to be)

Well, that's interesting.  And Graeme will be along in comments today to say that he's taken time off from contemplating space cows on Ceres, unlimited electricity in space, water oceans on the Sun,  and ancient greenhouses on Mars to say "try science, Steve."
 Climate-related risks are dependent not only on the warming trend from GHGs, but also on the variability about the trend. However, assessment of the impacts of climate change tends to focus on the ultimate level of global warming1, only occasionally on the rate of global warming, and rarely on variability about the trend. Here we show that models that are more sensitive to GHGs emissions (that is, higher equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)) also have higher temperature variability on timescales of several years to several decades2. Counter-intuitively, high-sensitivity climates, as well as having a higher chance of rapid decadal warming, are also more likely to have had historical ‘hiatus’ periods than lower-sensitivity climates. Cooling or hiatus decades over the historical period, which have been relatively uncommon, are more than twice as likely in a high-ECS world (ECS = 4.5 K) compared with a low-ECS world (ECS = 1.5 K). As ECS also affects the background warming rate under future scenarios with unmitigated anthropogenic forcing, the probability of a hyper-warming decade—over ten times the mean rate of global warming for the twentieth century—is even more sensitive to ECS.
Here's a press release type report about the same study.

1 comment:

GMB said...

Its all gibber. We don't have the data. I think that me, with a statistical adept, could show, that extra CO2 has a tiny COOLING effect globally but a net mild warming effect during the arctic summer. I THINK I could show this. But I don't KNOW. Because I don't have the data. And neither do you. Because all the data we have has been hijacked by the oligarchy.

What we do know for sure is that we face no warming threat anytime soon. We have frigid weather ahead in the 2030's and cold weather ahead clean out to the new century.

So don't panic. Go for multiple energy source development and 3 metres of good dark soil everywhere.