Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Davidson hosting incitement to murder now?

The latest legislative moves to decriminalise abortion in an Australian state have sent the conservatives of Catallaxy over the edge, with one long time participant repeating this often:

Clean up your toilet, Sinclair; it's reeking.  


Not Trampis said...

Well I am against abortion

Sinclair Davidson said...

You don't recognise irony and the calling out of hypocrisy when you see it?

Steve said...

Show me how it is irony? IT has been fiercely against abortion forever. (I said to him years ago, if he was at a dinner party and a woman volunteered there that she had an abortion, would he really treat her the same as if she had just admitted to murdering a husband? His answer was that he would leap across the table and gouge her eyes out with a spoon. In other words - he genuinely believes it is every bit as bad as murder of an adult.)

I reckon that you chose to label comments as "not serious" simply when it suits you - to put a veneer over why you won't remove it.

Sinclair Davidson said...

I'd be very surprised if IT had made a single serious comment at the Cat ever.

This one is quite clever - some abortionists (not all) speak of abortion as simply clearing away clumps of cells. Now I'm not opposed to abortion but I'd never support that sort of amoral and unethical argument. IT is simply reversing the argument upon those abortionists themselves. As you quite rightly point out, it is ugly. It looks ugly. Yet nobody calls them out on it.

Steve said...


Whether you're naive, stupid, or faking one or the other I can never tell, Sinclair - but one way or another you excuse and host conservatism at its ugliest and dumbest.

Anonymous said...

He’s reversing the clump of cells argument, you moron.

Steve said...

Of course I see the reference to pro-choice rhetoric in the second sentence. There is nonetheless no reason to believe he does not believe the sentiment in the first sentence.

Why not go on the site and ask him directly?

Anonymous said...

Yes, go and ask him, you mind reader you.

Anonymous said...

Will you stop moderating the site, FFS. Everyone knows bird is off his rocker. Ignore it.