Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Dear Reader/s (updated)

I'm sorry, but I had to Google the topic of how I got notified of a comment awaiting moderation.  (I thought I might get an email, but no.)

I see now that some have been making comments that have been stuck in moderation.  I have approved some.

I will consider un-moderating comments if it seems Bird has gone, or will abide by the rules.


Not Trampis said...

possibly easier to simply to delete Bad bird comments

Steve said...

Homer, no, as I explained in my previous post as to why I have set up moderation is that I have had to delete the same comments multiple times - he watches for when it is deleted and reposts it. I have had to delete some recent comments maybe 8 or 10 times and they still re-appear, because he's a jerk with no respect for a blog owner who does not want to host the publication of his nutty conspiracy allegations about Jews (or any other group, for that matter.)

He can see that I do not delete his comments if they are about other topics and are not about his conspiracy beliefs about Jews.

But he can't follow the rules.

Steve said...

He's got a bunch of stupid comments held up in moderation, by the way, and I am not letting any of them out, whether they are directly about Jews (many are) or not.

Suck it, Graeme.

TimT said...

Haha not likely he'll abide by the rules.

I think this means you should reboot your blog Bird.

GMB said...

If I see him slowly LISTENING !!!!!!! and becoming more patriotic, then you will see me becoming a bit more patient.

We have a country to save. No time for all this Whining and Hand-wringing. If the Jew seeks to play lumberjack he's got to learn to handle his end of the log.