Thursday, August 29, 2019

Foreign Correspondent noted

Been meaning to say:  gee, this current season of ABC's Foreign Correspondent has been good. 

Fake meat in America; Taiwan and its worrying future with China; child surrogacy gone wrong in the Ukraine; and a look at Barcelona and the continuing vexed issue of Catalonian independence.

All well made, informative and engaging shows.

The enemies of the ABC need to exiled to some Survivor Island, and they can make documentaries of themselves getting sunburnt and stupider by the day by making reality TV.    


GMB said...

If the ABC is more loyal to Israel, fractional reserve banking, and the Rothschild family, than they are to normal Australians, then its probably easier just to wipe out their funding and give everyone a tax threshold increase.

GMB said...

I retract. The Taiwan story was so good it justifies the ABC continuing a few months more. But Rupert needs to be leaned on to make sure he's gets his head right and knows who to be scared of the most.

Fake meat is going nowhere. Such idiocy and estrangement from the natural world is shocking to see in the urban uppity classes.