Friday, August 16, 2019

Good grief

WSJ reports:
The idea of the U.S. purchasing Greenland has captured the former real-estate developer’s imagination, according to people familiar with the discussions, who said Mr. Trump has, with varying degrees of seriousness, repeatedly expressed interest in buying the ice-covered autonomous Danish territory between the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

In meetings, at dinners and in passing conversations, Mr. Trump has asked advisers whether the U.S. can acquire Greenland, listened with interest when they discuss its abundant resources and geopolitical importance and, according to two of the people, has asked his White House counsel to look into the idea.

Some of his advisers have supported the concept, saying it was a good economic play, two of the people said, while others dismissed it as a fleeting fascination that will never come to fruition. It is also unclear how the U.S. would go about acquiring Greenland even if the effort were serious.
Maybe Peter Thiel told him it was a good idea?   He's nutty enough to think it might make a good future Libertarian Land.  I have no idea why Trump himself would come up with the thought...


Not Trampis said...

the US does have an ICE problem

GMB said...

Its an appreciating product. Covered with ice that is not supposed to be there. Its got polar ice even though its not close to the current North Pole. The reality is that this ice is an holdover from an earlier North Pole.