Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ngo-ing, Ngo-ing, Gone

So, Andy Ngo has left Quillette abruptly (or not, see next sentence) after evidence comes out of his lack of reporting when he sees right wing activists planning a confrontation at a bar.  Claire Lehmann says it's all a co-incidence (she says he actually had already left before this story came out) and he has gone onto "bigger projects".    (Sounds suspiciously like one of those standard cover statements when you don't want to go into detail - along the lines of "resigned to spend more time with his family".)

What's the bet that he might be getting a more permanent role with Fox News?  He'll fit right in.


GMB said...

Racist and falling into the trap of Jew racism. Undermining everyone who tries to shine a light on Jew hate sponsorship.

GMB said...

Okay then. If thats the way you want to play it the moderation is staying on.