Monday, August 05, 2019

We're dealing with paranoid idiots

What a cast of idiots on the American Right:

*  Glenn Reynolds, annoyed that Cloudflare is withdrawing services from 8Chan, the online community of choice for white supremacist killers to post their plans and justifications for mass murder, and to high five each other after they happen.  Why?  Because maybe "woke" folk will convince the company to stop protecting other sites that he likes.  Oh boo hoo.   This is all part of the Right's paranoia about tech companies not being supportive enough of the Right promoting their (frequently stupid and dangerous) ideas on the net - and getting upset when their own free speech enterprises don't take off.

You stupid culture war losers - before the Right went nuts, it would have been calling for the actual banning of hate sites for inciting violence, even if constitutionally difficult to do so.  Now that your priority is winning a culture war, deaths don't matter.

And here is Reynolds again, apparently thinking that Trump has already done enough and suggesting the answer to blind hatred against immigrants is for "institutions" to promote more patriotism (!):
GOOD: Trump offers condolences in wake of dual mass shootings: ‘Hate has no place in our country.’
As he said in his inaugural address, when your heart is filled with patriotism, there’s no room for hate. Which is why we should demand that our institutions promote patriotism. Basically, if they don’t, people will die.
Yeah, good one.  I would have thought that an inflated, paranoid version of patriotism is pretty much at the heart of this sort of killing.   You know, of the kind Trump has drummed up.

American Thinker (ha!) notes that it will have none of this "blame game" against Trump (and guns) because:
What's also obnoxious is their claim that Trump, who condemned the maniac and sent comfort to the victims, was somehow responsible. Trump has never advocated mass shooting or justified anyone who has. That won't stop the left.
Yeah, I see.  The same justification used by some nutters about Hitler and the Holocaust, spruced up for the orange one  - "he never said publicly that they were to be killed - just moved out of the country." 
And look at the readership of that site - here is a comment following the article:

*  For a non-idiotic discussion of the "white replacement theory", this article at The Guardian seems a good place to start.

1 comment:

GMB said...

Knee-jerk anti-conspiracy assumptions are the height of idiocy. Explain buildings six and seven dopey.