Saturday, August 31, 2019

What ugliness

When I see a Bunnings ad featuring an ethnically diverse woman, I think "that's good...another sign of successful integration into a typical aspect of the Australian way of life.  Especially good that it's a Muslim woman.  Good on you Bunnings for your diversity in hiring, too."  

But when a poisonous soul who comments at Sinclair's club for ugly conservatism sees the ad, this is what she thinks:

For the millionth time, I honestly don't understand how Sinclair Davidson can feel satisfaction running a blog that lets people display themselves in all their ugliness. 


GMB said...

But this is inevitable if people like you keep insisting it’s Muslims and white nationalists conducting the terrorist attacks.

Jason Soon said...

Not a fan of dogs either so I know which side I'm on.

Steve said...

Graeme, no need for you to pile on here, and you know you were lucky I let your first comment through, because we all know what you mean.

But - that Cassie is a Jewish woman who (she reports at Catallaxy) is the sort of person who writes or rings in outrage to companies which do things like withdraw advertising from Alan Jones when he says offensively stupid stuff. She is one of the angriest culture warriors at the site.

I am just flabergasted that anyone could call Bunnings "cretinous woke" for featuring a Muslim woman employee. It makes entire commercial sense - given that they presumably would have a few outlets in Western Sydney - that they would do this. The fact that they feature so many women staff on the ads also makes sense - the shops are full of couples on weekends, and I would bet that research has shown them that making women happier to go there makes it easier for men with wives (who probably spend the most) get into the shop too.

Moreover, it's the sneering and stupid attitude towards Muslim integration that grates. Even if a person dislikes the Muslim immigration that has already happened - and this Cassie is surely livid about it - anyone sensible should want the ones already here to live "more Australian" - and going to Bunnings and having a sausage on the way in is just about peak Australian community behaviour.

Steve said...

Continuing: Sinclair knows his threads are often full of the most rabid anti-Muslim sentiment and content, yet he so rarely puts his head up to throw in a "you know, there are actually quite a few moderate, nice people who are Muslims around, maybe you just haven't met them?" style comment. His rare interventions make me think he is personally not a rabid Muslim worrier - so why does he feel comfortable running a blog where it runs rampant?

GMB said...

What could be more rabidly anti-Muslim than you accusing Muslims of being responsible for terrorism when the evidence says otherwise? What is the matter with you?