Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Fun and games in Britain

Just thinking out loud here, but if an election is called on 14 October and the pro-Brexit-at-any-cost parties win, couldn't they get Parliament going in time to get any pre-election legislation delaying Brexit revoked?  Does it really take that long to get the Queen to roll up at Parliament?   Couldn't they ask her to just read one statement:  "My government will now ensure Brexit proceeds, and do a lot of other good stuff.  See you next Parliament." 

Someone will know, somewhere...


Not Trampis said...

I have not looked at the UK but voting for either the conservatives or Labour would be incredibly stupid ( although the US did stupid and we have done it as has Brazil so it might be catching.)

I wonder whether there will be a large swing to the LibDems? This would mean another parliament where no part has a majority

GMB said...

You may be underplaying the gravitas and dignity of this horrific crime family.