Monday, September 02, 2019

Give me some good news

A lot of "downer" news at the moment, no?

Families being thrown out of Australia when there appears to be no real need to; a severe hurricane mashing up the Bahamas; mass shootings in the US with responses in Twitter including a fair swathe of "don't worry, when we get even more guns into the hands of citizens, and they get the right training, things will come good"; (as already noted) a Conservative minister muttering about how governments don't have to follow Parliament, when push comes to shove; and Hong Kong in considerable turmoil.

Cheer me up, someone...


Not Trampis said...

sorry Steve,
I am as bolshy as the next one of settling refugees however this family are NOT refugees.

GMB said...

Its terrible to throw a family out of Australia. Yet we must choose our own demographic future. The solution is to pull out from immigration treaties BUT DO BETTER. Be kinder and more benevolent. No family need be kicked out of the country if we have an awesome guest worker program. That is good for Australian incumbents but great for the global economy. Its okay to have global goals but they need to be met with local means and local control.