Friday, September 27, 2019

Yes of course - a court saying the Parliament has to meet is a dark era for democracy

Gawd, Brendan O'Neill is an annoying twerp given to histrionics over everything, but I think he might have reached a new peak of ridiculousness in his Spiked editorial about the Supreme Court telling the PM that he just can't close down Parliament:
Today’s Supreme Court ruling is a vile assault on the democratic order. In finding that Boris Johnson’s proroguing of parliament was unlawful, and that parliament is not prorogued, the 11 justices have made an explicitly political decision in favour of the Remainer elite....

This was a decisively political act by 11 unelected judges who have taken sides against the government of the day, and this opens up a new, dark era in British political life.  What we have seen emerge via this judgement is a borderline tyrannical layer in British politics....

This judgement is a disaster for law and for politics.
Is it the Marxist in him, or the libertarian, who hates the idea of governments having to work within the confines of the judicial arm of government?   And who hates the idea of a Parliament meeting?

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

alleged conservatives who fully support court verdicts except when it goes against them!