Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Has Fox found a way to abandon Trump?

Remember I said that Fox News had created a cult, and didn't know how to end it?

I wonder if the Trump Turkey/Kurd decision is seen by Lachlan as giving them a way to dump him?

More important than the breakfast twits, however, will be the way the evening Trump worship sessions handle this.


Steve said...

Graeme: not entirely sure what you think of Islamic State and their fondness for beheading, crucifying and shooting captives. Some examples at this Wiki entry:


Do you think this was all faked? A justified tactic of war?

Just curious...keep the anti-Semitic rhetoric to a minimum in your answer.

Jason Soon said...

what does that have to do with the US getting more bogged down in Syria, steve? maybe if they hadn't interfered in the first place and let Russia/Iran clean up there, ISIS would be gone by now along with its other head chopper friends like the 'moderate' rebels

Steve said...

I thought it had quite a bit to do with Graeme's comment. I would have thought that fighting Islamic State was the right thing to do regardless of whether it was also in the interests of "Israeli Jews", but for all I know Graeme may have a vast conspiracy theory about how ISIS atrocities was all a Mossad fake news.

As far as the rest of your comment - strikes me as a bit of "whatabout" cop out. Presidents have to deal with the situation they've inherited, and the issue right now is whether the Kurds are undeserved losers here because "bone spurs" Trump wants to keep another autocrat happy.

And besides - I didn't think the US commitment there is all that big, especially compared to Afghanistan.

Not Trampis said...

If you take on allies and the drop then because you have a dopey transnational attitude then you simply will not have anymore allies as no-one will trust you.
Graeme sorry to tell you this only muslims involved no jews!