Friday, October 04, 2019

Wingnut fantasy world watch

Look, all I can say that it's lucky this bloke didn't live during any witch hunt era, because his belief in his powers of interpretation of facial expressions (and even the shape of a jaw, which is freaking hilarious when you wonder what he would make of Mitch McConnell) shows exactly the same level of nutty, misplaced overconfidence in I-can-read-their-face-and-know-exactly-what-is-really-going-on-in-that-mind that would have led to more than a few women being torched:

Or is it just part of a creative writing exercise he's doing? It has that strange structure about it...

I've upset him before in a post in which I (quite respectfully, actually) noted his confession of depression, and expressed surprise at how many angry wingnuts at Catallaxy had come out to support him with their own tales of past issues with depression. 

But really, I am not sure he's out of an unhealthy mindset if he genuinely believes such rubbish.


TimT said...

This is the internet - where sad old loners gather! *Waves happily out of the computer screen*

John said...

The stupid habit of making off the cuff observations based on facial expressions is one step removed from Phrenology.