Monday, November 18, 2019

Some figures needed

I note that conservative twit James Morrow re-tweeted this yesterday:

The ABC reports this morning:
The burnt area statewide now covers more than 1,650,000 hectares — more than during the past three bushfire seasons combined.
Gee, sounds like it could be pretty much "unprecedented" going by those figures (and bearing in mind there is no way the current bout of fires is going to suddenly stop anytime soon.)


Not Trampis said...

get the metrics right.
We had less people and resources back in the 60s.

More useless information from the innumerate 'right'

Steve said...

Jason seems to re-tweet Morrow quite a bit. I wonder if watches Outsiders with enthusiasm now?

Not Trampis said...

what is that?

GMB said...

Its not unprecedented. But we ought not put up with it just the same. There IS an obvious CO2-fuel buildup vector. No need for climate realists to deny that side of it.

Hurting hydro-carbon industries is neither a necessary nor a sufficient way to fix the problems of floods, droughts and fires. There is one solution to all three problems. So please Steve, attempt for one time not to be an ass-hat about this.

anon said...


So let me get this right. You're bumbling around implying that we wouldn't have a problem with fires this big if only Australia stopped using coal and petroleum based products., Is that right?

Steve said...

Look, JC, Fox News, Catallaxy and lukewarmer websites have dumbed you down so much that you're like arguing with a beetle. You can make chirps and clicks of protest, but not absorb obvious arguments that have put to you for years.

1 degree of average global warming is already causing longer, worse fire seasons. (Not to mention more flash floods due to rainfall intensity when it happens.) Another 2 or 3 degrees and see what happens, hey?

Or - take serious action to limit as far as is reasonably possible how much worse (and destructive) it is going to be.

All countries including Australia need to de-carbonise. And no, nuclear is not the only option. People are wary of it for good reason.

Go on, give me a buzz or click in response with one of the same lame, dumb arguments you've clung to for the last 15 years.

GMB said...

The solution to floods, droughts, and fires is the same solution for all three. Its water retention landscapes and soil development. We can put carbon in the soil much faster than the hydro-carbon industry can take it out. But thats a real solution and the head Nazis don't want it.

Okay its true that in addition we need year round fuel thinning. But thats all three problems done and dusted. And even the CO2 non-problem fixed.

GMB said...

Beefing up coal royalties to take banker overhead out of the situation and to make nuclears introduction more viable is its own reward. But it cannot solve the fire problem. Which will only get more frequent if CO2 levels are rising. We must not take a fantasy view of public policy.