Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Big if true

Sabine Hossenfelder has a couple of good posts up - one generally explaining "dark energy", and a follow up post about a paper that has just come out which says that one key measurement that was taken to prove the acceleration of the expansion of the universe is wrong, and hence dark energy doesn't exist.   The local movement of the relevant galaxies may explain the redshift of the light from certain supernovae.

This is, potentially, really big news.  At least if you're an astrophysicist, or general observer of big science ideas.  


GMB said...

Its not any news at all. There is no dark energy nor any reason to believe in dark energy. Its just this anti-science voodoo approach that the physicists have taken for the last 120 years. Which means they cannot understand when they have been proven wrong and need to go back to the drawing board. And of course while the cellular biologists and the solid state chemists are the real geniuses out there, the cult of personality has been applied to physics instead so these maths-boy 101 types feel like the (fake) greatness has rubbed off onto them. So they are too impressed with themselves and that makes them stupid.

GMB said...

What made you think there was Dark Energy in the first place? You gullibility never bottoms out.

GMB said...

Seriously. Practice some introspection here. What had you caught up with this junk science? They told you. You believed. There used to be a difference between science and the synagogue.