Thursday, December 19, 2019


This is the right thing to do, I reckon, and I think the soft Right commentators who don't like Trump but still think the Democrats will shoot themselves in the foot are just showing themselves up as more interested in the mere game of politics than the nation being left in safe hands:

And even if (or rather "when") the Senate acquits, the Trump letter, and his behaviour at rallies, indicates that it really, really hurts his narcissistic pride.

If it leads to him having some kind of mental break down and leaving the White House in a straight jacket, so much the better for the country. 


Not Trampis said...

convicted out of his own big mouth on both issues.

Unlike Clinton's impeachment this really does pass the pub test

GMB said...
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Anonymous said...

Homes, GMB makes a great point. You are an idiot.

Not Trampis said...

JC you are an expert on idiocy.

Not Trampis said...

A further thought on Trump.

Why have his supports ignored the facts.
Well when they voted for him they knew he was a crook. Property developers are invariably so.
Thus even though this is a slam dunk more so given Trump's comments they stick by him .

to invoke Godwin's law It was similar with Hitler. He was a thug. when he gained power and murdered various people and put political opposites into concentration camps ( he was not the first to do this) he actually gained popularity.
The same in 1934 in the night of the longknives.

The major difference is Trump has not increased in popular support.

GMB said...

Look its a fact that he didn't do anything wrong on the phone call. Thats just a fact. You don't have to make it more complicated then that. If the Democrats had wanted to censure him on other matters, thats a different story. But they chose to try and impeach him, not censure him, on something that was a fantasy. There is nothing more to this story.

Tulsi has a censure proposal up for Trump on a string of other matters. What you have to understand is that you are acting in a brain damaged fashion. You've been swept away by the idiocy of others, like a dumb yokel with a black man and some bailing twine.

Jason Soon said...

agree with GMB this is all hyped up nonsense

Not Trampis said...

Soony you are going bonkers.
Did he fail to deliver monies to Ukraine because of the so called Biden matters?

did he obstruct the house in investigating this?

It is yes in both matters and out of his own large mouth.

Not Trampis said...

Christianity today supports impeachment.

an evangelical magazine actually being evangelical.

Jason Soon said...

yeah Homes
everyone's Must read for the weekend

Not Trampis said...

actually it is a great read.

GMB said...
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GMB said...
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