Saturday, December 21, 2019

Liberal PMs can never get this "the right image for a PM during a bushfire" thing right

Either they're rushing out of the house to put on their volunteer firefighting gear and looking like they are too closely involved in the dirty work instead of taking in the big picture from an Ops room; or they're secretly sitting on the beach in Hawaii until the PR officer says "really, this is bad, bad optics, you've got to get back", and even then taking a couple of days to do so.


GMB said...

I think the left cannot get it right. While the firemen are working around the clock, these people just whine about something they are calling "climate change." I mean what complete fuckwits we are dealing with here.

Imagine if the firemen shared the leftist irrationality. They wouldn't fill the fire trucks with gasoline and all the houses in the towns around me would have burned down. Its morons we have to put up with. Savages and people whom logic forgot. I am sure they are not like this at home but on the internet its like coming across some sort of isolated tribe of primitive loony toons. People that never had been influenced by the ancient Athenians in any way, shape or form. People too stupid to sharpen one rock with another.

Not Trampis said...

A PM does not have the time to do volunteer work.
Morrison troubles are all his own making.

He criticised Nixon and she was a mere Police commissioner. what was she going to do. Arrest the fire??

The PM is the leader of the nation and needed to be here.

He then added to his troubles by simply not saying anything about where he was. Really stupid.

Some Holiday. He was being updated on the fires whilst there.

No mate on hols you have nothing to do with work. That is why they are called holidays.

Poor judgement again