Thursday, December 12, 2019

Prediction: this will not penetrate into the Right wing's alternative reality

Horowitz has been talking at Congress:
In response to Democrats on the panel, Horowitz said his office "certainly didn't see any evidence" in FBI or Justice Department files that former President Barack Obama asked the U.S. government to investigate Donald Trump's campaign, as Trump has charged.

Nor, Horowitz said, was there any evidence that the Obama administration tapped Trump's phones at Trump Tower.

Horowitz also reaffirmed that the so-called Steele dossier, a collection of partly unverified reports about then-candidate Trump, "had no impact" on the bureau's decision to open the investigation.


Not Trampis said...

they believe black is white. Just look at madman Katesy

GMB said...

You idiot. Why do you keep lying? I have read the transcript. We know about the terrorist coup, the looting of the Ukraine and the Biden's having their snout in the trough when it comes to stealing from the Ukrainian peoples.

So who do you think you are fooling Rabbi Goldstein?

GMB said...

So supposing some fellow points out to you two that this is just the Jew reversal .... Then why won't you CLICK and realise its true?