Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The peculiar fate of Catallaxy

Sinclair Davidson made a comment in a thread yesterday that both Leftists and conservatives have shown themselves to be "Statists".   Yet the blog, today featuring prominently:

*  a photo of a dead, drowned toddler by Trump cultist Steve Kates (and, by the way, endorsement of a thorough authoritarian and wannbe fascist like Trump is an endorsement of the purest form of Statism - the kind where the leader embodies the State and is above control and accountability); and

* Sean Hannity level hack commentary on American politics by the uber Catholic conservative (not that he wants the title) Currency Lad;

is yet again confirming itself as the most intensely conservative political website in Australia.

Don't pretend otherwise, Sinclair.  You now oversee a conservative blog that yearns for the special kind of Statism that comes with authoritarianism. 

Update:  I should have mentioned the reactionary hyperbole that Kates engages in about that drowned toddler photo:
This image allowed millions of “refugees” to enter Europe, changing Western Civilisation forever, and leading to its possible demise within a century.
Yeah, sure.  Idiot.


Not Trampis said...

ah the irony,
sinkers deserves it as that blog has gone downhill fast since he took over.

GMB said...

They used to act like they wanted bankers running all things. They were always desperate for subsidies for the bankers, and for their own professions, but desperate for free enterprise for everyone else. Everyone else outside the profile of Jewish employment. Another bad sign that they were dominated by people brought up in the rabbinical persuasion is that they were unwavering in their hatred of Just War Theory. The very essence of war, in their view, was to have a holocaust of human sacrifice via incendiary bombing of young German women and children.

Thankfully under currency-lads persistent influence the site has swung more Catholic. So four years ago it was Jews with a few Catholic hangers on sucking their knee-caps. But now its kind of more the other way around. There has been some improvement.

Not Trampis said...

The funniest thing no the saddest thing is they read into something which is not there.

This is what occurs when you ensure no views are allowed which question the point of view of the blog.

Very sad