Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Well, that's weird

I don't know that I trust Hot Air contributor Jazz Shaw on anything much, but he has an interest in UFOs and occasionally talks about the Navy "tic tak" videos that have everyone puzzled.

He's interviewed a young physicist (? not sure that's right, given what follows) before about UFOs, but I hadn't read it.

Today, he's put up a post wherein said scientist (Deep Prasad) has explained that earlier this year he had an alien/otherworldly visitation (of sorts).  They were trying to blast a lot of information into his brain, apparently.   (Fortunately for Deep, anal probe was avoided.  They seem to have gone out of fashion now as part of UFO alien abduction/visitation lore.) 

You can read about it here, at Hot Air.

It puts me in mind of the sort of experiences Philip K Dick claimed to have had.  But unlike Dick, I would hope Deep is not a massive drug user.

I'm not sure about him, nonetheless.  Shaw links to a 2014 article in a University of Toronto paper in which they asked whether "first year undergrad" - on an electrical engineering course -  Prasad "could be the next Einstein".   But the big idea he discusses is - generating electricity from using your keyboard.   This does not sound promising...


TimT said...

Dick at least claimed he only ever did ‘uppers’ (amphetamines) and only ever once took a hallucinogenic drug, which he disliked. It’s arguable he was always going to have a psychotic breakdown of some sort. Whatever happened to him he was certainly very lucid about it, and his last books are in part a very funny recounting of his mystic period.

Steve said...

[One of?] Dick's blast of information was at least directly useful - he claimed it saved his kid's life.

This story of Deep's, on the other hand, sounds like none of it made intellectual sense and was of no use to him. (Apart from the emotional sense.)

Why can't I get an otherworldly attempt at being blasted with the key to Life, the Universe, and Everything?